
I wish to inform you about the placement of Hotel Jobs availability here in Canada.

fromSusan Millian info@fivestaraliance.net.tc
toanergia stop netWORK
dateSun, Oct 23, 2011 at 10:07 AM

I am Susan Millian from Canada, Working with the Five Star Alliance Hotel Management; I wish to inform you about the placement of Hotel Jobs availability here in Canada. We seek Job-seekers, men and women, married and single, that would like to work and live in Canada .The Five Star Hotel will pay for your flight ticket and assist you to process your visa in your country of resident, if you are interested contact the secretary via E-mail:


And we shall reach you with the Hotel information immediately.

Caution: For our old Applicant that have received this information before, kindly ignore this and follow up the law down processes giving to you.
Susan Millian.


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